Radio Websites
Vintage & Radio Websites
Links to other sites of interest
Vintage & Military Equipment information
Clansman VRC321 VOGAD Modification Reference November edition of SIGNAL, Issue 37 – Modification to greatly improve transmitted AM modulation level – Martin Smythe M0MGA
RadioNerds – Excellent site for information in an extensive list of American radio, radar and ancillary equipment
Wireless World Magazine Fascinating. from 1911 onwards
British Army
Royal Signals Museum – Located at the Royal School of Signals, Blandford, Dorset, UK.
The Royal Signals Amateur Radio Society
Royal Navy
Bunting Tossers – The story of HMS Venomous. Some nice anecdotes and photographs and descriptions of the W/T equipment on board
Royal Air Force
Royal Air Force Amateur Radio Society – All Radio Amateurs (no requirement to be Ex RAF) are invited to apply for Membership if you have an interest in the RAF, Military aviation and wish to support the aims of the society
RAF Henlow Signals Museum – Pictures and info on this museum.
Private Interesting Sites
VMARS Member Keith Yates Website Lots of interesting and helpful facts about Keith’s station
Wireless for the Warrior – A most informative and user friendly site, this is the website of Louis Meulstee (“Wireless for the Warrior”) – Collins site, featuring his extensive collection of military radio equipment.
Signals Collection ’40 – ’45 – Paul Bodifee’s collection in Daventer, Holland
LA6NCA – A remarkable collection of German wireless equipment from WW2 (Norwegian language)
Clubs, Societies & Interest Groups
Collins 618T Special Interest Group
Some hardly known aspects of German military communications A link to the Defence Electronics History Society paper published on the internet.
SRS (Surplus Radio Society) – In Dutch, with a fair sprinkling of English, and with many Links relevant to VMARS.
Eddystone Users Group – All things Eddystone including many downloadable manuals.
Historic US Navy site – US Navy communications in the 1950s and 1960s, by K4NYW – Swiss vintage military radio site.
IRMA – Inventory of old military French radio sets from 1900 – 1960
Radista – A web presentation of radio and other telecommunications equipment used by the Yugoslav People’s army from 1945 to 1991.
The AM Window – Amateur AM in the States.
Code & Cipher
Crypto Machine Menu page – If you are interested in Cypher, try this one.
Bletchley Park – The home of ‘Station X’, Milton Keynes Amateur Radio Society, Colossus and a whole lot of other fascinating exhibits.
Museums & Historical A wealth of interesting historical information about vintage radio. Well worth a visit.
Wireless World: Marconi & the making of radio Nice website about Marconi’s contribution to the development and use of wireless and radio
The EF50, the Tube that helped to Win the War This is a brilliant website about the famous EF50 – The Wireless Sets No.19 pages. Just has to be the page for the enthusiasts of the most famous of all military radios. – Heathkit Virtual Museum. – A large collection of information operated from Switzerland by HB9RXQ
Canadian Museum site of SPARC – Society for the Preservation of Antique Radio in Canada
Thorpe Camp Radio Museum – Woodhall Spa, Lincolnshire, location of M0TCM.
Museum of Radar and Communications – HMS Collingwood.
Jan Corver Museum . – Cypher machines and Vintage Radio.
RKK -Museum – Russian Radio Museum in Moscow
Personal Museum of Military Radio – Spy Radio – Tubes by Antonio Fucci Fano (Italy)
Tatjana van Vark Collection – includes V Bomber H2SMk9A and Navigation, Bombing and Computer NBC
Government & Commercial
Canadian Marconi Company – Documentation of Radio Equipment produced by the Canadian Marconi Company during the valve era.
The Heathkit Story – A Heathkit enthusiast’s site in English and Swedish.
SRDE – Technical history of SRDE, the Signals Research & Development Establishment – a UK Government establishment for research and development of military communications.